25 After Pregnancy Care Tips

What's Covered

Tell me if this is you: before you got pregnant, you were so happy with your flawless, no-stretchmark skin. At the latter part of your pregnancy, you’ve noticed some dark patches on your body and darkening of your armpits. After giving birth, these crazy appearances did not go away and you somehow you wonder if there will be solutions for them. In this article, you will be able to find out the best pregnancy care tips you need including the tips in making your mental health at great state after pregnancy.

After Pregnancy Care Tips to Recover Physical Health

After giving birth is not just a joyous time but also a healing time for mothers. As a new mother, it is important to also take care of yourself in order for you to take care of your child better. Also, taking good care of yourself is a way for you to recover your health after your pregnancy.

1.      Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleeping during pregnancy is just as important as sleeping after giving birth.[1] Get as much as sleep as you can, when you can. This is a way for you to cope up with tiredness and fatigue. Additionally, if you are a breastfeeding mom, your baby may ask you to feed them every couple of hours which may interrupt your rest time. So, try to maximize your opportunity to sleep when you can.

I recommend this pillow that I have used back when I was recovering after giving birth. I still have it now and it really relieves not just my neck pain but also my back pain. It really gives me a great sleep!

Bed Wedge Pillow
Having this product will give you the comfort you need when you are sleeping. Surely, you will be able to have a quality sleep and you will wake up without any pain on your body!

Also, one great way for you to get enough sleep is by keeping your baby right next to you. It allows you to save steps and time especially when it is feeding time. This is the same bedside baby crib I have used for my baby. I am a breastfeeding mom and everything seems to be easier for me.

Baby Bassinet
Having this product beside you will not take much of your time in getting your baby for feeding time. Surely, your parent-infant bonding will be stronger without disrupting both of your sleep time!

2.      Eat Healthy Meals

Having a healthy diet promotes faster healing and if you are a breastfeeding mom, having a healthy diet allows you to give healthier and nutritious breast milk to your baby. Surely, you will get healed faster especially when you take lots of fluids. Additionally, eating a healthy diet promotes a healthy bowel movement.[2]

I personally recommend this book if you want to know the healthy foods you should it before and after your pregnancy. I find this book very useful and durable, as well.

Expect the Best
Having this book will keep you fit, healthy, and happy. Surely, you will feel confident that the foods you consume are not just great for you but also great for your baby.

3.      Exercise

Before deciding to get physical, it is important to consult with your doctor first. Some simple activities such as walking around or near your house will do and it is better if you go to a refreshing place so that your energy level will increase faster. Additionally, pregnancy may cause you to gain weight. Fortunately, exercising may help you lose those baby fats and therefore, will help you become a healthier mom![3]

If you want to do some yoga, you may want to have this yoga mat inside your home! It is very comfy to use and easy to clean up.

Yoga Mat
This yoga mat will make your meditation more solemn and smooth. Surely, you will not just be able to lose weight but you will also be able to relax your mind.

4.      Don’t Skip Your Appointments

Your doctor will give you appointments after your delivery day. Usually, you appointment will be 1-2 weeks after giving birth. If you gave birth via cesarean section, your doctor will give you an appointment to remove the stitches.

There are times when you forget your appointments and the things your OB tells you. For these reasons, I recommend you to have this notebook.

Medical Appointment Book
Having this product will make you organized and you will never forget your appointments at all! Also, by having this, you can write your thoughts and improve your memory.

After Pregnancy Care Tips to Keep Your Mental Health Healthy

After giving birth, you tend to become a more emotional and jumble of powerful emotions will come, and that is totally fine! You deserve to express the things you feel because you are a supermom! Sometimes, this may be linked with what we call “baby blues” and here are some ways to help you deal with them:

5.      Seek Help

Postpartum depression is common after pregnancy and during your postpartum period, you are at risk of having this condition. In fact, 15 out of 100 mothers are diagnosed with postpartum depression.[4] Seek help from your trusted loved ones and healthcare professionals in order for you to keep your mental health at a good state. Additionally, seeking for help also means lowering your pride. Consider asking help from the people around you especially during the first week of your postpartum period.

If seeking help is really not one of your options, you might want to have this postpartum depression workbook.

The Postpartum Depression Workbook
This postpartum workbook helps you improve your mood. Surely, you will be a happier mom as you start your parenting journey.

I also found a great postpartum supplement and I saw it being used by my aunt after her pregnancy. My aunt really had a bad postpartum mood but after having this, I noticed that she is getting better every day and her patience is getting longer!

Postpartum Mood Support
Having this supplement will give you stability in your mood and you will not just help your body recover but you will also make way for your mind to stay healthy.

6.      Express Your Feelings

Do not be worried about your feelings whether they are negative or positive. Express the things you feel to your partner or loved ones in order to find comfort and peace. If you cannot express your feelings because you are afraid of misunderstandings, writing your thoughts on this journal will help. I use this journal up to now and I feel better every time I write down the things that bothers me.

Ruled Notebook/Journal
Having this notebook will give you peace of mind because it allows you to release your anxiety and stress completely. Surely, after using it, your mood will be better and you will enjoy the rest of the day with your family.

7.      Think Positive

As much as possible, it is important to always think positively. Always remember that all the things you have are there for a reason. At times as a mom, you always want someone to tell you those positive things. However, if you have no one to tell you those, you might want to use these positivity wall stickers in order for you to stay positive.

Everything Happens for A Reason
When you have this sticker, you will surely be able to start your day positively. Your mood will be better and you will be confident to face the day!

8.      Build a Sense of Humor

Be that happy mom everyone will love! Try to see the funny side of everything and laugh about them. This will help you avoid yourself from being drawn to stressful events.

9.      Join a Parent Group

Personally, after giving birth, I joined an online mommy group and I find comfort reading the stories on that group because I can relate a lot. Having a group or network will ensure you that you will have someone to turn to when you need advices or when you have concerns.[5]

After Pregnancy Care Tips to Cope Up with Body Changes

Pain, weight gain, and other more body changes come after giving birth and you must not worry about them because they are part of pregnancy. Here below are some body changes that you may experience and what can you do with them:

10.  Breast Engorgement

If you are a breastfeeding mom, your breasts tend to swell and it is really painful. Breast engorgement is something you must take seriously.[6] One time, I had to attend a seminar and that seminar is an 8-hour activity. For that reason, I was not able to do a breastfeeding or breast-pumping session. What came after me is fever and I really felt bad! If you want to lessen the discomfort of breast engorgement, apply a warm or cold compress to your breast. This will also reduce the sore on your nipples because when your nipples are engorged, your baby will have a hard time latching.

Breast Pads Gel Bead Ice Pack Hot & Cold
Having this product will reduce your breast pain and it will also soothe your nipples. Also, using them will give you lesser breast pumping time. Your baby will be able to latch easily and this will make you a happy mommy!

You may also want to try this portable breast pump when you feel the swelling. You can use it anytime especially when you are not with your baby. This is the breast pump that I have used when I started going back to work again. It is easy to use and really pumps out a lot of breast milk!

Smart Breast Pump
Having this wearable breast pump will never worry you about your breast milk! Surely, you will feel confident and happy because you know that your breast milk will be collected in a clean way and nothing will ever go to waste.

If you are not breastfeeding, wear a supportive bra. Also, do not pump or massage your breast as it will cause them to produce more milk which you cannot pump out. My grandma sent me these kinds of bra and my conscience would kill me if I would not share with you its wonderful benefits.

Maternity Nursing Bra
Having this bra will give you comfort and you will surely be confident to do your tasks outside your home because you will never feel the pain on your breasts.

If your nipples are sore, try some nipple cream or nipple relief. Because of too much breastfeeding, my nipples are always in pain. Luckily, I found this baby-friendly nipple relief and everything went well.

Nipple Cream
Having this product will relief and soothe your nipple pain. Additionally, you will be confident in using it because you know that this product is safe for your baby as well.

11.  Constipation

Constipation is associated with pregnancy.[7] Personally, after giving birth, I really had a hard time emptying my bowel and it leaves me unable to poop for like 3-4 days! When I asked for a professional advice, my OB instructed me to consume high-fiber meals and drink plenty of water. A laxative or a stool softener will also help. As a pharmacist, I personally recommend the Dulcolax brand. It is a trusted and very effective stool softener brand! However, if you are a breastfeeding mom, consult with your doctor first before using this product.

Dulcolax Pink Stool Softener
This stool softener will not just relieve your constipation but will also improve your bowel movement. Surely, you will enjoy your life as a mom because no constipation will distract you from your bonding with your baby!

12.  Pelvic Floor Changes

Pelvic floor changes are also associated with pregnancy and this may cause you a lot of discomforts.[8] During your labor, your doctor might cut your perineum (an area between your rectum and vagina). If you want to recover this area, try doing some Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises also prevent you from experiencing urinary incontinence.

Kegel Balls for Women
Having this product will give you comfort. Surely, you will be able to do your house chores and tasks as a mom without worrying about any pelvic floor changes!

13.  Cramping

Uterine cramping is caused by shrinking of your uterus after giving birth.[9] Although the pain subsides inside, nothing is wrong with trying some cramp relief.

Postpartum Contraction Drops for After Birth
Having this product will make you a confident mom! You will have that peace of mind because you know that no painful cramps or contractions will come to you.

14.  Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge after pregnancy is common because it is a way for your body to remove blood and tissue from your uterus so that it can be clean again. Although it is common, it is important for mothers to manage this.[10] Instead of using tampons or douche, consider using just sanitary napkins. One reason for this is that tampons or douche makes you at a higher risk of developing infections.

Feminine Pads
Using these feminine pads will assure you that you will never have any vaginal infections after pregnancy. Also, you will have a peace of mind knowing that no leaks will come even when you are asleep.

15.  Fluid Loss

Hyperhidrosis can be associated with pregnancy.[11] You might sweat a lot especially during night time and this may cause you to lose lots of fluids in your body. Therefore, it is very important to take lots of fluid to compensate the loss.

After Pregnancy Care Tips You Can Do At Home

It is important to take care of your health while you are at home and that does not just mean eating and keeping yourself fit but also means keeping yourself clean and away from any viruses, germs, or infecrions.

16.  Perineal Care

Continue giving yourself a perineal care as this can minimize postpartum pain.[12] You can have that warm bath and relax for a while. Based on my experience, my elders told me that it is better to sit on a warm bath as this is a way to help my scars heal. Personally, I use a Sizt Bath for this. I simply put the Sitz Bath on a tub that is near its shape and everything goes well.

After pregnancy, you may also feel vaginal pain. Luckily, a donut-shape cushion can relief the pain you feel!

Donut Pillow
Having this product will make you a comfortable mom! Surely, you will have more energy as you do the things you need to do.

If you are still feeling the pain and you can no longer tolerate it, you may want to consider using a dermoplast to numb the painful region of your body. This dermoplast is a spray-like product and it is really a great one!

Dermoplast Spray
Having this product will give you peace of mind because you know that no matter what pain comes to you, you will be able to relieve it anytime and immediately!

17.  Avoid Intercourse

This does not necessarily mean that you must not engage into a sexual activity with your husband forever. Wait for the right time for your pernieal area or abdominal scar to be completely healed. Your doctor will tell you when this day comes. Also, your vaginal discharge and postpartum bleeding will also give you a sign. Although some researches sate that it is better to have sex six months after giving birth, minimal bleeding and discharge may give you a sign that you can already have a sexual intercourse.[13]

18.  Prenatal Vitamins

It does not mean that you will stop your vitamins after giving birth. If you still have excess prenatal vitamins, go and take them. When you ran out of these prenatal vitamins, it is fine to start taking multivitamins as these vitamins improve and boost your postpartum healing.[14]

Personally, I use this Naturelo brand. I’ve been using this brand even before I started having my family and I rarely get sick.

Using this product will boost your overall health and you will surely be at peace knowing that you will never get sick after giving birth. Surely, you will have a stronger immune system and higher energy level while you take care of your new baby.

19.  Clean and Keep Your Abdominal Scar Sanitized

My husband was the one who always regularly cleans my abdominal scar because I really cannot afford to sit down or stand up properly back then. My husband uses bandage gauze, medical tape, and a betadine to clean my scar.

Before getting discharged from the hospital, my husband already bought this no-touch antiseptic betadine. Usually, betadine causes coloration on skin. So, this spray-type makes it easier for the applicator to clean my stitches.

Having this product will assure you that no infection or germs will ever come to your cuts or surgeries.

When I take a bath, I use a Tegaderm Transparent Dressing so that I can protect my scar from getting wet because according to the doctor, getting it wet makes it prone to infection and formation of pus.

20.  Practice a Good Hygiene

After pregnancy, whatever you touch or hold affects your baby as well. Make regular hand washing every after bathroom time as your habit. Also, you may want to use hand sanitizer before holding your baby or before washing your private areas. It is also fine if you will ask your relatives or family members to do the same especially during this time of pandemic.

Consider this alcohol dispenser and put this in your home! Your kids and other family members will surely have fun using it (if they are lazy to get and use some alcohol)! This one is a touch-less type so you do not have to worry about any contamination!

After Pregnancy Care Tips to Cope Up With Hair and Skin Changes

Changes in your life are not just before and after pregnancy but also during your pregnancy days. Some of these changes can be seen on your skin and on your hair.

21.  Hair Loss

During pregnancy, your hormone level increases and when this happens, your hair grows faster, too![15] However, after pregnancy, your hormone levels decline and now will be the time for your hair to fall off. Hair loss may last for four to five months. Personally, I got scared because I thought I might be having a cancer or any other condition so I looked for a solution and this product is what I found!

Postpartum Hair Loss Vitamins
Having this product will make you a confident mom again because no more hair loss will be experienced by you!

22.  Stretchmark

Stretchmark appears during pregnancy.[16] Personally, I never had any single stretch mark before I got pregnant but after pregnancy, stretch marks were all over my hips and butt! Although they turned into silver to white, they were still there.

I want to share with you this Bio Oil product that I have used for my stretch marks. I really find it very effective and it lightened up my stretch marks in no time. I use it every morning and evening after bathe time. Its smell is very aromatic and I also find it very calming.

Bio-Oil Skincare Oil
Having this product will bring back your confidence in wearing those bikinis and other sexy clothes! Surely, in no time, your stretch marks will no longer be visible and your skin will be more soft!

23.  Acne

Post pregnancy causes you to have changes in your hormone levels and this may cause you to have acne breakouts and blackheads.[17]

Even when I was not yet pregnant, this Cystic Acne product is what I have been using. It is very gentle on to my skin and it leaves no acne scars or spots.

24.  Pigmentation or Melasma

These dark patches made me lose my confidence to wear great dresses. These dark patches or spots appear because there is a high level of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy.[18] However, these patches or spots do not fade away as soon as you gave birth.

            My aunt gave me this gift as a welcome home gift and it really treated my melisma faster.

25.  Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes

These two are present not only because you find it hard to get enough sleep especially at night. Hormonal changes cause them to appear, as well. Visible dark circles and puffy eyes are signs of tiredness.

This Garnier product is what I have been using even before when I was on my college years. It always makes me look fresh and young!

Having this product will make you a happier mom when you look at yourself in the mirror! Surely, you will be confident to meet and entertain new people!

Take Home Advice

As a new mom, it is important to keep in mind that it will take you a lot of time to be completely healed but there are many ways for you to hasten your postpartum healing process. Aside from the list above, I recommend you to read this

book for you to completely understand the changes in your body and what you can do with it.


What is the best sleep position after delivery?

After giving birth, it is important to avoid standing or sitting for too long. When you sleep, try your best to sleep on your side as this can speed up the process of postpartum healing.

What should be avoided after delivery?

Be mindful of the caffeine and alcohol you consume especially when you are a breastfeeding mom. It is okay to eat the foods you want but keep in mind the foods that may harm your baby.

When will periods come after delivery?

If you are not a breastfeeding mom, your period will normally come six to eight weeks after giving birth. However, if you are a breastfeeding mom, the return of your period may vary and it may take a little longer.

[1] Driver, Helen S. “Sleep in women.” Journal of psychosomatic research 40.3 (1996): 227-230.

[2] Derbyshire, Emma, et al. “Diet, physical inactivity and the prevalence of constipation throughout and after pregnancy.” Maternal & child nutrition 2.3 (2006): 127-134.

[3] Haas, Jennifer S., et al. “Changes in the health status of women during and after pregnancy.” Journal of general internal medicine 20.1 (2005): 45-51.

[4] Pearlstein, Teri, et al. “Postpartum depression.” American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 200.4 (2009): 357-364.

[5] Ley, Barbara L. “Vive les roses!: The architecture of commitment in an online pregnancy and mothering group.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 12.4 (2007): 1388-1408.

[6] Acartürk, Sabri, Eyüphan Gencel, and Ilhan Tuncer. “An uncommon complication of secondary augmentation mammoplasty: bilaterally massive engorgement of breasts after pregnancy attributable to postinfection and blockage of mammary ducts.” Aesthetic plastic surgery 29.4 (2005): 274-279.

[7] Cullen, Garret, and Diarmuid O’Donoghue. “Constipation and pregnancy.” Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology 21.5 (2007): 807-818.

[8] Fonti, Ylenia, et al. “Post partum pelvic floor changes.” Journal of prenatal medicine 3.4 (2009): 57.

[9] Deussen, Andrea R., et al. “Relief of pain due to uterine cramping/involution after birth.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 10 (2020).

[10] Sherrard, Jackie, et al. “European (IUSTI/WHO) guideline on the management of vaginal discharge, 2011.” International journal of STD & AIDS 22.8 (2011): 421-429.

[11] Schlereth, Tanja, Marianne Dieterich, and Frank Birklein. “Hyperhidrosis—causes and treatment of enhanced sweating.” Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 106.3 (2009): 32.

[12] Calvert, Susan, and Valerie Fleming. “Minimizing postpartum pain: a review of research pertaining to perineal care in childbearing women.” Journal of advanced nursing 32.2 (2000): 407-415.

[13] Ahlborg, Tone, Lars‐Gösta Dahlöf, and Lillemor R‐M. Hallberg. “Quality of the intimate and sexual relationship in first‐time parents six months after delivery.” Journal of Sex research 42.2 (2005): 167-174.

[14] Dagher, Rada K., and Edmond D. Shenassa. “Prenatal health behaviors and postpartum depression: is there an association?.” Archives of women’s mental health 15.1 (2012): 31-37.

[15] Lynfield, Yelva L. “Effect of pregnancy on the human hair cycle.” Journal of Investigative Dermatology 35.6 (1960): 323-327.

[16] Kluger, Nicolas. “Body art and pregnancy.” European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 153.1 (2010): 3-7.

[17] Low, Chai Ling. In full bloom: look fabulous during and after pregnancy. Marshall Cavendish, 2007.

[18] Moin, Athar, Zahra Jabery, and Nader Fallah. “Prevalence and awareness of melasma during pregnancy.” International journal of dermatology 45.3 (2006): 285-288.

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Tiffany Biondi

Tiffany Biondi

Mother of 4 kids, Tiffany is a certified childcarer and during her free time, she write posts in thebabychoice to share her hands on experience and knowledge.
