Awesome Bedside Sleeper Attaches to Bed 2020

What's Covered

1. Mika Micky Bedside Sleeper Bedside Crib Easy Folding Portable Crib


o Lockable wheels
o 21” maximum height
o Side pockets


o Mattress is hard
o Not compatible with many sheets

Bottom Line

o A sturdy convertible bassinet that attaches to your bed firmly. It has washable mattress covers to ensure that no mess is permanent.

o Wallet Saver

2. Baby Delight Beside Me Dreamer Bassinet & Bedside Sleeper

Baby Delight Beside Me Dreamer Bassinet
This bedside sleeper enables you to feed your baby easily at nights. If you are tired and can't get out of your bed at nights, then go this bassinet to co-sleep with your baby


o Easy to move around
o Attaches to low beds
o 40lbs weight limit


o Does not lift high
o Tiny pocket

Bottom Line

A lightweight bassinet and bedside sleeper that offers comfort and freshness. It is easy to assemble, with no tools required.

3. Baby Delight Beside Me Doze Deluxe Bedside Bassinet

Baby Delight Me Doze Deluxe Bedside Bassinet
This bedside bassinet suits all levels of beds, so whether your bed is high or low, this can be easily adjusted


o Fits both very high and low beds

o Micro-angle incline prevents spillage

o Retractable sheets


o Thin mattress

o Sidewall lose

Bottom Line

This convertible bedside sleeper offers safety and comfort. Exceeding safety standards, it comes with a solid aluminum frame that will not budge, although still lightweight.

4. Baby Bassinet,RONBEI Bedside Sleeper Baby Bed Cribs,Baby Bed to Bed


o Music box
o Detachable toy
o Waterproof mattress cover


o Difficult to change batteries
o Toy placed too high

Bottom Line

Built with a high degree of microfiber to be gentle on your child’s skin. This bedside sleeper is carefully crafted to beat aesthetics and comfort.

5. BABY JOY Baby Bedside Crib, Portable Travel Sleeper Bed


o Folds into the compact carry bag
o Tiltable head
o Spacious


o Difficult to install
o Side mesh bulges easily

Bottom Line

The convertible bedside sleeper comes with a solid iron frame that is completely covered in fabric. The base is solidly built to be firm on the floor.

How we conduct our review

We purchase the bedside sleeper products and test them with our product team. We will also consult the market users and evaluate the user’s preferences. No free sample will be accepted from vendors or re-seller – Guaranteed.

46 Models Considered

5 Models Tested

79 Hours Researched

4 Experts Consulted

251 Consumers Consulted

Co-Sleeping with your Baby

The inexplicable, unbreakable new bond between a mother and her newborn almost compels her to be with her child at all times. As is if to reciprocate this gesture, the baby also seems to have an unquenchable demand for their mother’s presence. It is so even to sleep. If the cries of her baby do not get her up to go check up on it, her own “mother’s worry instinct” might.

As such, many mothers count it as a huge blessing and relief when they can sleep close to their children. Because let us face it. Taking care of your newborn can be madly exhausting, and even though it is one of the most beautiful connections of nature, tiredness does not give you a pass.
There are two main ways that mothers choose to share the same sleeping space with their babies. Some prefer to sleep in the same beds as their baby. This is known as bed-sharing. As romantic as it sounds, it sometimes causes more harm than good to the baby. The second option is room-sharing. That is to have a little play area with a bassinet or portable cot in the same room as the mother sleeps in. One kind of room-sharing is quite novel. You can imagine the joy on the faces of mothers to find out that a bedside sleeper attaches to bed. That way, they can still sleep close to their babies, without exposing them to any harm.

Buying Guide

Not all the users like all features in the same way. And there are some extra features to any products you may avoid. There are some things that may differ in every product that is accepted by diverse types of users. We are evaluating several things to help you choose the bedside sleeper as per your choice and necessity.

Reasons to Co-sleep with your Baby

The needs of your baby are seemingly endless, and the frequency with which they arise can be sickening. Worse of all is that these needs are no respecter of time; they arise as they please, even deep in the night. This, very often, rids the mother of much-needed sleep, especially if she is a working woman. Having your baby close by during sleep hours can be very beneficial.

First, it shortens sleep interruption times for both the mother and the baby. Babies do not have to cry for too long to get the attention of sleeping mothers, even those, who are heavy sleepers. Placing your baby in the same room as you will ensure that their least discomfort attracts your attention. Also, the commute between the mother’s bedroom and the nursery is taken away. During sleep time, the shortest distance could seem like a million miles.

Co-sleeping can also synchronize the baby’s sleep pattern with the mother’s. This is important for the mother, as the baby’s sleep comes in tune with hers so that she can get the much-needed sleep after the day’s work. Babies, especially when they are a few months old, are known to sleep more quickly when the mother is close by. Sometimes, when their mother’s presence is felt, babies may go back to sleep without crying to wake the other up.

Lastly, mothers can also regain some lost time with their babies if they had been away at work. Some mothers take advantage of the sleeping times to stay close with their babies if, during the day, they were not able to. Even for some who could, the more time with the baby the better. Experts agree that more time spent near babies helps mothers to understand and socialize them better. Co-sleeping allows mothers to do this throughout the night.

Bed Sharing and SIDS

Having your baby in your bed with you can be such a convenience. Body-to-body contact, as experts say, increases the mother-child bond. It is easy to reach out and cuddle if it makes a fuss, and you could even slip one out to breastfeed it without having to wake up completely. So why do the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the US Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC), and other experts all discourage bed-sharing so much?

Bed-sharing increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome – SIDS. SIDS is the sudden, inexplicable death of an otherwise healthy baby under 12 months old, and it is more likely to happen in their sleep. Because of this, providing an optimal sleeping arrangement for your infant is not just necessary, it is crucial.

The risk of a parent strangling, smothering, and suffocating the baby or unconsciously tilting it from its appropriate supine position during sleep cannot be hyperbolized. Aside from that, there is the risk of being tangled with or drowned in the soft bedding materials or pillows, or stuffed toys.

Other things also increase the risk of SIDS. Among the highest risk factors are co-sleeping with a drunk parent, and co-sleeping on a couch. Others include sleeping beside a smoking parent, sleeping on soft bedding and with pillows, and sharing a bed with other children.

Weaning your Baby off Co-Sleeping

Getting rid of what we have gotten used to can be tough. As they say, old habits die hard. Even for the babies, their not-so-old habit of co-sleeping with a parent can be very hard to let go, when it is time for them to move into the nursery. You cannot blame them; everyone loves the presence of a loving parent.

Making this change with babies must involve a lot of tact. Failure to be gradual with the change will just end badly for both mother and baby. In most cases, the baby cannot sleep, and that will just mean that the mother will not sleep unless the change is reverted. At times, this initial dislike for their rooms may be carried all through toddlerhood. This will just mean that parents make extra efforts to get babies to sleep, cutting hours off their own sleep time for many nights.

Parents can start either way; go to the nursery together or bring it over. However, it is done is dependent on what your baby is comfortable with. If the baby’s bedside sleeper attaches to the bed, try to bring in a cot or bed for him/her. You could add some decorations found in the nursery. You could experiment with sleeping out of your room and leaving the baby there alone. At other times, try a sleepover at the nursery.

The whole trick is to keep some features constant in your baby’s sleeping arrangement, and pulling them out bit by bit. Not at your own pace, but your babies. Soon, he/she can endure and enjoy their nursery all by themselves.

Awesome Bedside Sleeper Attaches to Bed 2020 1


Tummy time refers to those moments, especially in the day, when you lie your baby on their tummy, while they are awake. This is done to strengthen their shoulders and prevent flat spots on the head that arise from constantly lying on their back. A parent must be watching the baby at all times during tummy time.

During the months, when babies begin to become more mobile – months 4-5 for crawling and 9 – 13 for walking – their sleep pattern may change because of their newfound activity and mobility during the day. It is important to be patient and emphasize sleep routines during these times.

The Proper Way to Put Your Baby to Sleep

Putting your child to sleep was not a scare at all until you learned that more than 60% of SIDS cases happened while the babies were asleep. You do have to get red-faced at all. It so happens that doing the right things to help your baby sleep safely is very easy.

First of all, for newborns, whom you would love to keep close, avoid bed-sharing. The AAP advises against it. It is because of the high cases of SIDS reported in this condition. Instead, room-share. Even then, be sure never to smoke or touch the bottle around the baby.

It is very prudent to ensure that your child’s crib, bassinet, or play area is regarded safe by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPS). Make sure that the bed surface is smooth and firm. Pillows play toys and crib bumps should be removed. The bedsheet should be thin and firmly tucked under the mattress or snugly fit around it. The bed should have high side rails to prevent the baby from falling out.

Place your child asleep on her back (supine), not on her side or stomach. The AAP testifies that more babies have been saved from SIDS is this recommendation was made in 1992.

If by any means, you fall asleep with your baby on your bed, move it to a crib or bassinet as soon as you wake up. It is very common baby to fall asleep while breastfeeding. As a matter of precaution, choose to breastfeed it in your bed, especially when you are feeling tired, just for the eventuality of your falling asleep.

Dress your baby to room temperature. Put baby in light clothes, or swaddle it in thin sheets to prevent overheating. Be sure to check for signs such as sweating or warmth around the chest.

Any hangings such as window cords string from toys or loose electrical cable should be moved away from the baby’s bedding. The possibility of the baby tangling herself with anything available should be reduced to zero.

Awesome Bedside Sleeper Attaches to Bed 2020 2


After researching many modules of masks over 48 hours, we chose the best five options, reviewed them in detail, and compare all the metrics in our lab.

Helping Baby Fall Asleep

Having babies fall asleep, especially at night, sometimes becomes the miracle that mothers wish for. First of all, it helps to remember that everything is temporary and shall pass in due time. With the right clues, babies are teachable, and they can respond to the sleep patterns you set for them. This will not be until about when they are four months old. Even when they seem to breach this established pattern, consider it just a blip. The key is to be PATIENT and consistent.

Your babies have an internal clock. Around the 8th-9th week, they get a boost in melatonin – a natural hormone for calming down and feeling drowsy. This hormone is released at its highest at sundown. With the right moves, babies can respond to this hormone and off to sleep, rather than resist it.

Pay attention to lighting. Let there be a lot of daylight and sunshine into the house during the day and dim things in the night. Turn blinds low early enough and dim baby’s lights. Keep lights low in the room where she sleeps, and keep her there for the most time before she falls asleep. If she wakes up to find that the lighting has changed, she may get confused and misjudge her environment. Therefore, keep lighting low and maintain it throughout her sleep time. The change in bright and dim lighting will tell her what time is for being awake and what time is for sleep. Keep this alternating pattern as best as you can.

Some mothers intend to trick their babies into nigh time sleep; skip naps and keep them awake longer in the day. Unfortunately, this always turns on its head. Babies sleep better at night if they have been restful during the day. Getting your baby overly tired during the day will only make her restless at night. Therefore, stick to nap times, encourage and enforce them. Then, you can put the very active games in the day, and the light ones at night. Let all nighttime activities be soft and gentle. It will help tell the baby that night is for sleep.

In the beginning, you might have to soothe the baby to sleep a lot. As they go grow older, this will become rather detrimental to their sleep efforts. They will require that you be there to always soothe them to sleep, and cannot get there on their own. Begin to soothe them at their bedtime, but stop when they begin to feel drowsy and watch them drift into sleep. If they break it off, try again, getting them nearer to sleep. With time, you would not need soothing at all for them to visit Alice in Wonderland.

It is important to keep the night in tune and emphasize it. When babies wake up in the middle of the night, it is important to make them aware of the times. It is advised that you do not run to them at every little squeak on the baby monitor; wait and see if they can go back to sleep themselves. When you do have to attend to them, keep them in the dim light. Do not play with them, or do anything you with them in the daytime. Sometimes, not even making eye contact is important to send the message.

Feeding can either help or get in the way of your child’s sleep independence. In the early stages, babies feed more often, than every other hour. Therefore, it is normal if they fall asleep at the breast. However, after about a month, do not condone it. Encourage babies to feed well, especially, during the day. At night, differentiate feeding time from sleep time. If you find them sleeping, while feeding, get them awake to feed more or restart their sleep with other activities.

It is most helpful to condense all these activities into a nighttime routine, which is constant and comfortable. After about 3 months, your baby should be ready for this education. Have a set of activities you perform every evening that will culminate in sleep for your baby and maintain them. It may include a warm bath, playing a light game, singing lullabies, or reading to her. As much as possible, gradually let bay fall asleep by herself. For babies not to resent night, make their routine nice to them.

At a certain point, especially when they begin to move about a lot, their sleep times may get messed up. Be patient in helping them back in tune. Things are always done better when there is mutual understanding.

Types of beds for Co-sleeping

Sleeping options for your baby are numerous, and when you decide to room-share, that introduces yet another factor to take into account. Besides your budget, how long you intend your baby to sleep in it, and mobility options, you also have to consider how much space your room has for your new roommate’s bed.

The crib is one to consider. It is more of a permanent sleeping option and usually carries your baby even through toddler years. Some cribs are convertible, heavy, and big enough to even go through elementary school. A crib normally goes into the nursery, but if you decide to site in your room for the first few months, make sure you have a lot of space for it. It is counterproductive to compromise on proper positioning, ventilation, and other safety factors. Also, because it is meant to be used for longer, the crib is the heaviest option among baby beds; be prepared to deal with the weight in setting up in your different locations. You can overcome this headache if you decide on portable cribs. However, these cribs also trade-off on the number of years it is used.

If you want a lighter option that would only hold your baby for a few months, you might want to look at a bassinet. Some bassinets can even fit in your bed. They appear as a small sleep basket with a thin flat base that holds a rigid mattress for your baby. They only hold babies for 3 or 4 months, maximum. Therefore, if you purchase that, you have started thinking about other sleeping options early enough. Other bassinets have longer bases that can stand on their own outside the bed. This may be ideal if you are set to travel with your infant without being entirely sure of what bed you would encounter.

There are also cradles if you want to add a little excitement to your baby’s sleep. Cradles are simply bassinets that rock. Their bases or stands are somewhat rounded to enable the cradles to sway in small-angle tilts upon a soft push. Just as bassinets, cradles are for infants and will not hold your baby past 4 months. In many instances, taller babies outgrow them even before they attain the weight limits.

Recent sleeping options intend to keep babies and parents even closer. A bedside sleeper attaches to the bed of the parents, which allows the two to be nearby while being on different surfaces. These bedside sleepers come as small portable cribs that have the railing on one side lowered. That side normally has a low barrier and attachments to hold it to the parent’s bed. The degree of mobility and versatility is different among brands, but they all ensure that the mother can reach out to hold the baby without having to get up. Many bedside sleepers hold babies longer than a bassinet would, but shorter than a crib.

Whatever your option, make your that the bedding suits your baby alright.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Bedside Sleeper

There several things to consider in choosing your baby’s bed, not just for their safety, but also for both the mother and baby’s convenience. Below are the most important factors:

Space – Space has to be one of the most important factors because, among the many things you could adjust, they seem to be the least of them. You have to be realistic about the available space in your room. Just having your baby co-sleep with your even a few months can seem a very long time if you have to be jumping hurdles to get in and out of bed. For whatever it is worth, make sure your baby’s bed can well-positioned, base or stand flat on the floor, with enough room around it for ventilation.

Cost – Buying baby stuff can be tricky. Especially when operating on a low budget, you may choose stuff that looks cheap. However, your baby will outgrow them in no time. Your best option if you are on a low budget is to look for options that will last longer while saving a lot of money.

Accessibility – Tending to baby is a very exhausting full-time job. When you have to take it into the night every bedtime, it is even more tiresome. Parents might want to choose beds that give them the easiest access to their babies with the least movement. For the first 3 or 4 months, babies have the least sense of time, so you should consider keeping them closer and easily accessible at night.

Portability and Versatility – This feature is quite useful if parents move around a lot. Having a bed that one can fold and travel with is very useful. Over here, weight specifications can also prove useful. It is also cost-effective if your bed can be used in several ways. For instance, if a bedside sleeper converts into a crib or a play yard. Being able to adjust the height of your bedside sleeper is also very useful.

Longevity – over here, you are looking at how long the bed will last, but how long you can use it before they become obsolete. You have to consider that babies grow very fast, and very often, their heights will exceed their beds even before they reach weight our age limits. Therefore, consider this if you want to get the most time out of your baby’s bed.


It turns out that your baby’s sleeping options might not be as simple as yours would. There are several safety and convenience factors to consider.

Infants require lots of attention, even through the night. As such, many mothers keep them close, and rightly so. However, it has been shown that room-sharing without sharing the bed is the appropriate thing to do because the latter increases the rate of SIDS.

Until your babies are old enough to roll over by themselves, the AAP recommends that you lay them supine on their beds. Stiff mattresses with thin covers are your best option. Also, pillows and stuffed dolls, strings, and soft bulky blankets should be kept away from your child.

Babies can fuss a lot when it is time to sleep. However, you can teach them to recognize and adhere to sleep times at night after about 3 months old. Set up a sleep routine and be consistent with them. Make use of lighting, and soft, quiet activities, to put them in the mood for sleep. The key is to be patient and consistent with your routine.

You can opt for a crib, a bassinet, or a bedside sleeper that attaches to your bed. Be sure that features such as size, adjustability, and travel ability are just what you desire, and meets your budget.

Whatever your choice, make sure it gives your baby the best safety and convenience.

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Diana Lucas

Diana Lucas

Hi, Diana here. Welcome to my blog and hope you like my sharing. I am a mother of 2 boys, 3 years old and a 1 year old. I dedicate my career in child development research and I focus on parenting tips, positive parenting, educational toys for my babies. Your time here means a lot to me! Diana A. Lucas
