Product Review: Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart – Does It Help Kids Learn To Share?

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In today’s society, it is important for children to learn about sharing and responsibility from a young age. As parents, guardians, and educators, it is our job to help them develop these crucial life skills.

The Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is a tool that claims to aid in this process. But does it truly help children learn to share?

In this product review, we will examine the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart and its effectiveness in teaching children about sharing and responsibility. We will delve into the benefits and drawbacks of the chart, as well as provide user reviews and feedback.

Additionally, we will explore alternative options for teaching children these skills. By the end of this review, readers will have a comprehensive understanding of the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart and its usefulness in promoting sharing and responsibility in children.

Key Takeaways

  • The Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is a tool for promoting sharing and responsibility in children and is suitable for ages three and above.
  • The chart encourages children to work together and share responsibilities with siblings or peers, promoting social skills and cooperation, and parental involvement plays a crucial role in teaching children about sharing and responsibility.
  • Realistic goal setting, consistency, and positive reinforcement are key to effectively utilizing the chart and promoting positive behavior in children.
  • The chart has been successful in helping many children learn to share, but may not be effective for all children or families and may require consistent parental involvement for maximum effectiveness.

Overview of the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart

The Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is a magnetic board designed to help children learn responsibility and social skills through a visual representation of tasks and rewards. It is suitable for children aged three years and above, and it comes with 90 magnetic tiles that can be used to track daily chores and tasks.

The chart is divided into three sections: morning, afternoon, and evening, and each section has a list of tasks that the child can complete independently or with the help of an adult.

One of the benefits of magnetic charts is that they provide a tangible representation of progress and accomplishments, making it easier for children to understand the concept of responsibility. Compared to other reward systems, such as stickers or tokens, magnetic charts are more durable and reusable, making them a cost-effective tool for parents and teachers.

Additionally, the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart encourages children to work together and share responsibilities with siblings or peers, promoting social skills and cooperation.

The Importance of Teaching Children About Sharing and Responsibility

Teaching children the values of sharing and responsibility is a critical aspect of their development. It helps children to develop social skills, empathy, and a sense of accountability. Children who are taught these values are more likely to form healthy relationships with their peers and adults, and they are also more likely to become responsible members of society. Therefore, it is important for parents, educators, and caregivers to use effective teaching methods that promote these values.

Parental involvement plays a crucial role in teaching children about sharing and responsibility. Parents need to model these values and reinforce them through consistent behavior. They can also use various tools, such as the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart, to make the learning process more engaging and interactive for their children.

By involving children in discussions, role-playing, and other activities that promote sharing and responsibility, parents can help their children to internalize these values and apply them in their daily lives.

In conclusion, teaching children about sharing and responsibility is a vital part of their development, and parents can play a vital role in ensuring that their children learn these values effectively.

Benefits of Using the Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart

Using an interactive tool to reinforce values such as sharing and responsibility can greatly enhance a child’s social and emotional development. The Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is one such tool that has been designed to help children learn about sharing and taking responsibility for their actions. Here are some benefits of using this chart:

  1. Encourages Positive Behavior: The chart is designed to reward positive behavior such as sharing, helping others, and completing chores. This helps children to develop a strong sense of responsibility and encourages them to be more considerate of others.

  2. Reinforces Learning Approach: The chart uses a hands-on approach to learning, which is proven to be more effective than traditional teaching methods. This means that children are more likely to retain the information they learn and can apply it in real-life situations.

  3. Builds Confidence: The chart provides a sense of achievement and accomplishment for children when they complete a task or display positive behavior. This helps to build their confidence and self-esteem, which are important for their overall development.

  4. Fosters Communication: The chart encourages communication between parents and children about important values such as sharing and responsibility. This helps to create a positive and supportive environment where children feel comfortable discussing their thoughts and feelings.

Overall, the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is an effective tool for teaching children about sharing and responsibility. Its benefits include encouraging positive behavior, reinforcing a hands-on learning approach, building confidence, and fostering communication.

How to Use the Chart Effectively

To effectively utilize the Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart, it is important to set realistic goals for children to achieve. This will help them feel a sense of accomplishment and encourage them to continue using the chart.

Consistency and follow-through are also essential to reinforce positive behaviors and habits.

Finally, encouraging communication between children and parents or caregivers can help identify areas of improvement and promote a positive learning environment.

By implementing these strategies, the chart can be a valuable tool in fostering responsibility and sharing skills in children.

Setting Realistic Goals

A crucial aspect of promoting self-accountability in children is establishing achievable objectives, which can be facilitated through the implementation of a magnetic responsibility chart such as the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart. Realistic goal setting is key to ensuring that children are able to achieve the objectives set for them. Balancing expectations is also important as it allows children to learn at their own pace without feeling overwhelmed or demotivated.

Here are some tips on how to set realistic goals for children using the magnetic responsibility chart:

  1. Start small: Begin with simple tasks that can be easily accomplished. This builds confidence and encourages children to take on more challenging tasks in the future.

  2. Be specific: Clearly define the task and what is expected of the child. This helps them understand what they need to do and what they will achieve by doing it.

  3. Involve the child: Let the child participate in setting goals and choosing rewards. This gives them ownership over the process and motivates them to work towards their objectives.

  4. Celebrate success: Recognize and praise the child’s accomplishments. This reinforces positive behavior and encourages them to continue working towards their goals.

By following these tips, parents and caregivers can help children develop a sense of responsibility and accountability while also promoting positive behavior and cooperation. The magnetic responsibility chart provides a visual representation of progress and helps children stay on track towards achieving their goals.

Consistency and Follow-Through

Transitioning from the previous subtopic of setting realistic goals, we move on to the importance of accountability and rewards for consistency in using the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart.

While setting goals is a crucial step in teaching children about responsibility, it is equally important to follow through with the plan and consistently enforce accountability.

Consistency in using the chart helps to establish a routine and reinforces the idea that being responsible is an ongoing effort. Children need to understand that their actions have consequences, both positive and negative, and the responsibility chart provides a visual reminder of these consequences.

Additionally, incorporating rewards for consistency can motivate children to continue their responsible behavior and make the experience more enjoyable. It is important to note, however, that the rewards should not be the sole focus, as the ultimate goal is to instill a sense of responsibility and sharing in children.

Encouraging Communication

Encouraging open lines of communication with children can lead to a deeper understanding of their thoughts and feelings regarding responsibility and sharing.

Effective strategies for encouraging such behaviors include active listening, asking open-ended questions, and providing positive feedback. By actively listening to a child’s perspective, parents can validate their thoughts and feelings, while also gaining insight into areas where the child may need additional support.

Asking open-ended questions can also encourage children to express themselves more fully and to think critically about their actions and decisions.

Providing positive feedback is also crucial in encouraging children to communicate openly and honestly about their experiences with responsibility and sharing. When parents acknowledge and praise positive behaviors, such as sharing with others or taking responsibility for a mistake, children are more likely to continue exhibiting those behaviors.

Conversely, if parents are overly critical or dismissive of a child’s efforts, the child may become discouraged and less likely to communicate openly in the future.

Ultimately, by creating a supportive and positive environment for communication, parents can help their children develop a deeper understanding of responsibility and sharing, and foster a sense of empathy and cooperation in their interactions with others.

Alternatives to the Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart

One possible option for parents seeking an alternative to the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is to consider other types of reward systems that promote positive behavior in children.

Alternative methods could include sticker charts, where children receive a sticker for each instance of sharing or kind behavior, and after a certain number of stickers have been earned, they receive a reward.

Another option is a token economy system, where children earn tokens for positive behavior and can later exchange them for rewards.

Sharing techniques can also be taught through play and storytelling. For example, parents can read books about sharing and discuss the importance of sharing with their children. Playing games that require sharing, such as passing a ball back and forth or taking turns with a toy, can also help children develop sharing skills.

Additionally, parents can model sharing behavior themselves, by sharing items with their children and praising them when they share with others. By using alternative methods and teaching sharing techniques through play and positive reinforcement, parents can help their children develop important social skills and promote positive behavior.

Potential Drawbacks of the Chart

The Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart may not be suitable for all age groups, as it is designed for children aged three to seven.

Furthermore, there is limited customization available with the chart, as it only includes pre-set tasks and responsibilities.

Additionally, some parents may find the cost of the chart to be prohibitive compared to other, more affordable options for teaching their children about responsibility and sharing.

Age Appropriate

Appropriate age range is an essential consideration when selecting the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart to aid children in learning to share. Age appropriate toys play a crucial role in early childhood development, and it is essential to choose toys that are suitable for a child’s age and developmental stage.

The Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is recommended for children aged three years and above to help them learn about responsibility, sharing, and good behavior. The age-appropriate design of the chart makes it easy for children to understand and follow. The use of colorful images and magnetic tokens enhances the child’s learning experience while also making it fun and engaging.

The magnetic tokens used in the chart are easy to handle and manipulate, making it ideal for small children who are still developing their motor skills. Additionally, the chart’s design is suitable for both boys and girls, making it an excellent choice for parents looking for a gender-neutral toy to help their children learn about sharing and caring.

Limited Customization

Despite its potential for fostering creativity and personalization, the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart’s customization options are somewhat limited. While the chart comes with a variety of magnets representing different responsibilities, there are only a set number of spaces for children to place them on the chart. This can make it difficult for children to fully customize the chart to their liking and may limit its effectiveness in motivating them to complete their responsibilities.

The limited customization options also mean that the chart may not be as effective in promoting a sense of personal ownership and responsibility in children. While the chart does come with blank magnets for parents to write their own responsibilities, the overall design of the chart does not allow for much flexibility in terms of adding or removing spaces for responsibilities. This may be a drawback for parents who are looking for a more customizable option that can be tailored to their child’s specific needs and preferences.

Encourages responsibilityLimited customization options
Teaches organizational skillsMay not promote a sense of personal ownership
Helps establish routinesDesign does not allow for much flexibilityMay not work for all children’s learning styles or personalities


Moving on from the previous subtopic, let us now delve into the cost of the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart. While the limited customization options may not be a deal-breaker for some, the price of the chart may be a determining factor for parents who are looking for budget-friendly options.

  1. Price Comparison: Compared to other similar products in the market, the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is priced on the higher end. For instance, the My Starry Chart and the Chore Reward Chart for Kids are priced lower than the former.

  2. Budget-Friendly Options: However, for parents who are willing to invest in a high-quality product that is durable and long-lasting, the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart may be worth the price. Alternatively, there are also budget-friendly options such as DIY charts or printable charts that can be found online.

  3. Overall, while the price of the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart may be a concern for some, it is important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks before making a decision. Parents should consider their budget and the specific needs of their child before investing in any product.

User Reviews and Feedback

The user reviews and feedback for the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart provide valuable insights into how well the product helps children learn to share.

Most parents who have used the chart have recommended it as an effective tool for teaching children about sharing and responsibility. They have praised the product’s magnetic design and colorful illustrations, which make it easy for kids to use and understand. Parents have also appreciated the flexibility of the chart, which allows them to customize it according to their child’s needs and interests.

An effectiveness analysis of the product based on user reviews reveals that the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart has been successful in helping many children learn to share. Parents have reported that their children have become more willing to share toys and other items with their siblings and friends after using the chart. They have also observed that their children have become more responsible in completing tasks and chores assigned to them.

However, some users have noted that the chart may not work for all children and that it requires consistent parental involvement and reinforcement to be effective.

Final Verdict and Recommendations

Based on an analysis of user feedback, it can be concluded that the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is an effective tool for promoting sharing and responsibility in children. Many parents have reported that their children have become more aware of their responsibilities and have started sharing more after using this chart.

The visual representation of tasks and rewards has been particularly effective in motivating children to complete their tasks and earn rewards. Additionally, the magnetic feature of the chart has made it easy for children to move their tasks and rewards around, which has made the process more engaging and interactive.

However, consistent parental involvement may be necessary for maximum effectiveness. Some parents have reported that their children lost interest in the chart after a few days or weeks, and that they had to constantly remind their children to use it. This suggests that the chart may not be enough on its own, and that parents may need to actively encourage their children to use it and provide positive reinforcement when they do.

Overall, the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart has received positive feedback from many parents, and it can be a useful tool for promoting sharing and responsibility in children, but it may require some effort and consistency on the part of parents to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros:

  • Effective in promoting sharing and responsibility in children

  • Visual representation of tasks and rewards is motivating for children

  • Magnetic feature makes the process more engaging and interactive

  • Cons:

  • May require consistent parental involvement for maximum effectiveness

  • Some children may lose interest in the chart after a few days or weeks

  • May not work for all children or families

Real life Experiences

Many parents have reported positive experiences with the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart, with some saying that it has helped their children become more responsible and aware of their tasks. However, some parents have also reported that their children lost interest in the chart after a while, and that they had to actively encourage them to use it. Overall, the chart can be a useful tool for promoting sharing and responsibility in children, but it may require some effort and consistency on the part of parents to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart suitable for children of all ages?

The Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is suitable for children of a range of ages, typically between three to eight years old. The age suitability of this product is due to its use of magnetic tiles and simple tasks that can be easily understood by young children.

The benefits for development include the promotion of responsibility, independence, and positive behavior. Children are able to track their progress and feel a sense of accomplishment when they complete tasks, which can lead to increased self-esteem.

Additionally, the chart provides a visual representation of expectations and encourages communication between parents and children. Overall, while the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart may be more beneficial for younger children, it can still be a helpful tool for older children as well.

How long does it take for children to start showing progress in their sharing and responsibility skills after using the chart?

Measuring success in children’s progress in sharing and responsibility skills can vary depending on the child’s age, personality, and environmental factors. Parental involvement has been shown to be a crucial factor in promoting positive behavior and skill development.

Therefore, it is important to note that the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is just one tool parents can use to encourage these skills. Progress may not be immediate, and it may take some time for children to develop habits and behaviors that promote sharing and responsibility.

Consistent use of the chart, along with positive reinforcement and modeling by parents, can help facilitate these skills over time.

Can the chart be customized to fit the specific needs of a child or family?

Customization options and a personalized approach are essential components of any effective tool for teaching children responsibility and sharing skills. The ability to tailor the chart to fit the specific needs of a child or family can make the learning process more engaging and relevant to their daily lives.

A personalized approach can also help children feel more invested in the process and motivated to make progress. When it comes to responsibility and sharing, every child is different, and a one-size-fits-all solution is unlikely to be effective. Therefore, tools that offer customization options can be particularly valuable in helping children develop these critical life skills.

By allowing families to create a chart that is tailored to their unique needs, children can learn in a way that is both enjoyable and effective.

Is the chart durable enough to withstand daily use by active children?

Durability concerns and maintenance requirements are important factors to consider when purchasing a magnetic responsibility chart for children. These charts are designed to be used frequently and by active children, so it is crucial that they are durable enough to withstand daily use.

In terms of durability, it is important to consider the materials used in the chart’s construction, as well as the strength of the magnets. Additionally, maintenance requirements should be considered, as frequent use can lead to wear and tear on the chart.

It is important to choose a chart that is easy to clean and maintain, as this will extend its lifespan and ensure that it remains an effective tool for teaching responsibility and encouraging positive behavior in children.

Are there any additional resources or activities that can be used in conjunction with the chart to enhance its effectiveness?

When looking for additional resources and activities to complement the Melissa & Doug Magnetic Responsibility Chart, there are several options available.

For instance, parents can encourage their children to participate in activities that promote sharing and caring, such as volunteering at a local charity or donating toys to those in need.

Additionally, parents can use the chart as a tool to teach their children about responsibility and accountability, by setting goals that they can achieve through consistent practice and hard work.

It is also important to incorporate the Responsibility Chart into daily routines, by regularly reviewing progress and providing positive feedback.

By doing so, parents can enhance the effectiveness of the chart and help their children develop important life skills.


In conclusion, the Melissa & Doug Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is a useful tool for parents and teachers looking to teach children about responsibility and sharing. Its clear and visual approach helps children understand their tasks and responsibilities while encouraging positive behavior.

While there are some potential drawbacks, such as the limited number of magnets and the chart’s size, overall, the chart has received positive feedback from users. It is important to note that the chart should be used in conjunction with other teaching methods and not solely relied upon.

Overall, the Sharing & Caring Magnetic Responsibility Chart is a valuable addition to any home or classroom looking to teach children important life skills.

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Vivian Perry

Vivian Perry

Mother of 3 kids. Enjoy reading parenting books and studied child care degree. Vivian loves to learn and write about parenting tips and help her kids to grow positively with grit mindset.
