Teaching Kids To Share In School: Strategies For Educators And Parents

What's Covered

Sharing is an essential social skill that plays a crucial role in children’s development. It helps children learn to cooperate, communicate, and develop empathy towards others. However, teaching children to share is not always an easy task, and it requires a collaborative effort from both parents and educators.

In this article, we will discuss some strategies that educators and parents can use to teach children the importance of sharing and develop their sharing skills in school. Effective sharing skills can promote positive relationships, social behaviors, and emotional intelligence, which are fundamental to children’s development.

Sharing helps children to understand the importance of taking turns, respecting others’ feelings, and working together towards a common goal. As educators and parents, it is our responsibility to help children develop these skills by providing them with opportunities to practice sharing and developing strategies to promote sharing in the classroom and at home.

By doing so, we can help children become more confident, empathetic, and socially competent individuals who are better equipped to navigate the challenges of life.

Key Takeaways

  • Sharing is essential for children’s development of social skills, empathy, and cooperation.
  • Collaborative learning activities, group projects, and cooperative games are important tools that educators can use to teach children to work effectively in groups.
  • Consistency in enforcing expectations and modeling positive sharing behavior are effective strategies for teaching kids to share.
  • Reinforcing positive behavior through praise and rewards can encourage children to continue sharing.

Understand the Importance of Sharing

The significance of sharing in childhood development cannot be overlooked. Sharing is a fundamental social skill that children need to learn early in life. It is a crucial aspect of developing healthy relationships, building trust, and fostering a sense of community.

For children, sharing is a way of showing kindness, generosity, and empathy towards others. It teaches them to consider the needs and feelings of others, which is an essential attribute in developing social skills and cooperation.

Sharing can be seen as a social skill that helps children navigate social situations and build positive relationships. Children who learn to share at a young age tend to be more successful in their interactions with others. Sharing requires children to communicate effectively, negotiate, and compromise, all of which are vital skills for building relationships.

Additionally, sharing can help children develop a sense of identity and self-worth as they learn to contribute to the well-being of others.

Parents and educators must recognize the importance of sharing and incorporate it into their teaching strategies to help children develop these vital social skills.

Create a Positive Classroom Environment

Establishing a positive learning environment is crucial for promoting sharing behaviors among students. Creating inclusion and building trust are two critical components that can help in creating this environment.

Inclusive classrooms foster a sense of belonging among students of diverse backgrounds and abilities. This, in turn, can help students feel more comfortable sharing with others. When students feel accepted and valued, they are more likely to be open to new experiences and ideas, including sharing.

Building trust is another essential element in creating a positive classroom environment. When students feel that they can trust their teachers and peers, they are more likely to feel secure in sharing their thoughts and ideas. Trust can be built by creating a safe and supportive learning environment, where students feel free to express themselves without fear of ridicule or judgment.

Teachers can also model sharing behaviors by sharing their experiences or ideas with students, and encouraging them to do the same. By establishing a classroom environment that is inclusive and built on trust, educators can promote sharing behaviors among their students, leading to a more positive and productive learning experience.

Teach Sharing Skills

Fostering a culture of collaboration can be cultivated through encouraging group work and emphasizing the importance of teamwork, which can enhance sharing skills in students.

Educators can create opportunities for students to work together on tasks that require sharing, such as group projects or collaborative learning activities. This can help students understand the value of sharing and how it can benefit everyone involved.

In addition, teaching empathy can also be an effective way to promote sharing skills in students. Role playing scenarios can be used to help students understand how their actions affect others and how sharing can lead to positive outcomes for everyone.

By teaching students to consider the needs and feelings of others, educators can help them develop a sense of empathy, which can lead to a greater willingness to share with others. Ultimately, these strategies can help students to become more collaborative, empathetic, and effective communicators, which can benefit them in both their academic and personal lives.

Use Group Activities

Collaborative learning activities, group projects, and cooperative games are important tools that educators can use to teach children to work effectively in groups.

These activities provide opportunities for students to develop teamwork skills, including communication, cooperation, and problem solving.

By participating in group activities, children learn how to work with others to achieve common goals, a skill that is essential for success in both school and in life.

Collaborative Learning Activities

Group work activities in a classroom setting can facilitate the development of important communication and cooperation skills among students. Collaborative learning activities provide opportunities for students to work together towards a common goal, sharing their knowledge and skills. These activities encourage active participation from all students and help them to learn from each other.

By working together, students are able to develop social skills such as listening, negotiation, and compromise. These skills are essential for effective teamwork and collaboration both in and outside of the classroom.

Effective teamwork strategies can be incorporated into collaborative learning activities. For example, assigning roles and responsibilities to each group member can help to ensure that everyone is contributing to the group effort. Encouraging students to actively listen to each other’s ideas and opinions can also facilitate effective communication.

Teachers can also provide feedback and guidance to help students improve their collaboration skills. These strategies can help students to develop a positive attitude towards working in groups and foster a sense of responsibility towards their classmates.

Ultimately, collaborative learning activities can help to create a classroom environment that supports sharing, cooperation, and teamwork.

Group Projects

Group projects provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in a collaborative and interactive setting. Collaborative skills and teamwork activities are essential components of group projects that help students learn how to work together in a productive and effective way. By engaging in group projects, students learn how to communicate effectively with their peers, delegate tasks, and resolve conflicts, which are all critical skills that they will need in their future careers and personal lives.

To ensure that group projects are successful, teachers and parents should encourage students to work collaboratively and offer guidance and support when needed. They should also establish clear expectations and guidelines for group projects, including deadlines and specific roles and responsibilities for each team member. Additionally, teachers and parents can provide opportunities for reflection and feedback, allowing students to reflect on their learning process and identify areas for improvement. By incorporating these strategies, educators and parents can help students develop the collaborative skills and teamwork activities necessary for success in their future endeavors.

Collaborative SkillsTeamwork Activities
CommunicationDelegating tasks
Conflict resolutionSetting goals
Active listeningBrainstorming ideas
Interpersonal skillsSharing resources
Problem-solvingEvaluating progress

Cooperative Games

Cooperative games, which require players to work together towards a common goal, have been shown to foster teamwork and communication skills in individuals of all ages. In schools, cooperative games can be used as a tool to teach children the value of sharing and collaboration.

Here are some benefits and examples of cooperative games that educators and parents can use:

  1. Fosters empathy: By having children work together towards a common goal, cooperative games can help them understand the perspectives of others and develop empathy for their peers.

  2. Teaches problem-solving: Cooperative games often require players to think creatively and collaboratively to overcome challenges. This can help children develop problem-solving skills that they can apply in other areas of their lives.

  3. Builds trust: When children work together in a cooperative game, they learn to trust each other and rely on each other’s strengths. This can help build stronger relationships between peers.

However, there are also challenges that come with using cooperative games in the classroom. For example, some children may struggle with teamwork or may feel frustrated if they don’t feel like they’re contributing. To address these challenges, educators and parents can provide guidance and support for children as they learn to work together. They can also ensure that each child has a role to play in the game, so that everyone feels valued and engaged.

Encourage Open Communication

Encouraging open communication is essential in fostering positive relationships among students in school. To achieve this, educators and parents should encourage students to express their feelings and thoughts freely.

Active listening is also crucial in creating an environment where students feel heard and understood. By promoting open communication, students can develop better social skills and enhance their emotional intelligence.

Encourage Students to Express Their Feelings

Facilitating an environment where students feel comfortable expressing their emotions can foster a sense of empathy and understanding among classmates. Encouraging empathy is essential in teaching kids to share, as it allows them to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and understand their perspective. Similarly, practicing perspective taking can help students understand how their actions can affect others and why it is essential to share.

To encourage students to express their feelings, educators and parents can use the following strategies:

  • Encourage students to use ‘I’statements when expressing their emotions. This helps them take ownership of their feelings and communicate them effectively.

  • Create a safe space where students can share their emotions without fear of judgement or ridicule. This can be achieved by setting clear expectations for behavior and modeling respect and empathy.

  • Use storytelling to teach kids about emotions and empathy. Stories can help students understand and relate to different emotions and perspectives.

  • Practice active listening to show students that their emotions are valued and respected. This involves giving students your full attention, summarizing what they said, and validating their emotions.

By incorporating these strategies, educators and parents can create a classroom and home environment that fosters empathy and understanding, making it easier for students to learn how to share.

Encourage Active Listening

Active listening is an essential skill that can help create a supportive and respectful classroom or home environment, where students feel valued and heard. When educators and parents encourage active listening, students learn to focus on the speaker, understand their perspective, and communicate effectively. Active listening techniques include paraphrasing, reflecting feelings, and asking open-ended questions.

Table: Active Listening Techniques

ParaphrasingRestating the speaker’s words in your own words to show understanding
Reflecting feelingsAcknowledging and validating the speaker’s emotions
Asking open-ended questionsEncouraging the speaker to elaborate and share more information

By incorporating these techniques, educators and parents can help students develop effective communication skills and build positive relationships. Active listening also fosters empathy and understanding, as students learn to appreciate and respect different perspectives. By creating a culture of active listening, educators and parents can teach kids to share and collaborate in a way that benefits everyone involved.

Set Clear Expectations

The establishment of clear expectations is crucial in teaching children how to share in the classroom. Educators should focus on setting rules and guidelines around sharing, emphasizing the importance of cooperation and respect for others.

Consistency in enforcing these expectations is also critical, as it reinforces the value of sharing and encourages children to adopt positive sharing behaviors.

Establish Classroom Rules Around Sharing

Establishing clear and concise classroom rules to promote sharing among students is a crucial step in fostering a collaborative and inclusive learning environment.

Role playing scenarios can be an effective strategy in establishing such rules. This involves creating situations where students can practice sharing and taking turns, while receiving feedback from their peers and teachers.

Positive reinforcement techniques can also be used to encourage students to follow these rules, such as praising those who share and rewarding them with tokens or stickers.

In addition to role playing and positive reinforcement, it is important for educators to be consistent with the enforcement of classroom rules around sharing. This means addressing incidents of non-sharing and reminding students of the established rules when necessary.

It is also important to involve parents in the process, by communicating the classroom rules and encouraging them to reinforce these rules at home.

By working together, educators and parents can support children in developing important social skills and a positive attitude towards sharing.

Be Consistent with Expectations

To continue the discussion on teaching kids to share in school, it is important to highlight the importance of consistency in reinforcing classroom rules around sharing.

Educators and parents should strive to maintain a consistent approach towards sharing expectations, as this will create a sense of predictability and stability for the children. When children are aware of what is expected of them, they are more likely to comply with the rules.

In addition to consistency, modeling behavior is another effective strategy for teaching kids to share. As the saying goes, ‘children do as they see, not as they are told.’Therefore, educators and parents should demonstrate positive sharing behavior themselves as a way of modeling it for their students or children. By showing children how to share, they are more likely to internalize and replicate this behavior in their interactions with others.

Reinforcing positive behavior is also crucial in promoting sharing in schools. When children share willingly, they should be praised and rewarded to encourage them to continue this behavior. This positive reinforcement helps to create a sense of motivation and self-confidence in the children, which will lead to more frequent sharing.

Involve Parents

The involvement of parents is crucial in ensuring that the value of sharing is reinforced both at home and in school.

Educators should communicate the importance of sharing to parents by highlighting its benefits and potential social impact.

Additionally, providing practical strategies for parents to encourage sharing at home can help children develop this valuable skill and promote positive social interactions.

Communicate the Importance of Sharing to Parents

Highlighting the significance of sharing to parents can foster a greater sense of community and empathy amongst children, ultimately leading to improved social skills and relationships. Effective communication is key in communicating this message to parents.

Educators can organize workshops or seminars to educate parents on the importance of sharing and the positive impact it can have on their child’s social and emotional development. This can include highlighting the benefits of sharing, such as increased cooperation, empathy and understanding, as well as the negative consequences of not sharing, such as conflicts and isolation.

Parental involvement is also crucial in instilling the value of sharing in children. Educators can encourage parents to reinforce the message at home by modeling sharing behaviors and providing opportunities for their child to share with their siblings or peers. Parents can also be encouraged to engage in activities that promote sharing, such as volunteering in the community or donating goods to those in need.

By working together, educators and parents can create a shared vision for the importance of sharing, and help children develop the skills and attitudes needed for positive social interactions.

3 item numeric list:

  • Improved social skills: Sharing fosters cooperation, empathy, and understanding, which can help children build strong relationships with others.

  • Positive self-esteem: Children who share feel good about themselves and are more likely to have a positive self-image.

  • Community building: Sharing can create a sense of community and belonging, as children learn to work together and support each other.

Provide Strategies for Parents to Reinforce Sharing at Home

Encouraging a culture of generosity and cooperation in the home can be facilitated through modeling and positive reinforcement of sharing behaviors. Parents can provide opportunities for their children to share with others, whether it be toys, food, or attention.

When children do share, parents can provide sharing rewards, such as verbal praise, stickers, or extra playtime with a favorite toy. These rewards can reinforce the positive behavior and encourage children to continue sharing in the future.

In addition to providing sharing rewards, parents can also model sharing behavior themselves. Children are more likely to imitate the behavior of their parents, so it’s important for parents to show their children what it means to be generous and cooperative.

This can include sharing food with family members, letting others go first, or offering a helping hand to those in need. By modeling these behaviors, parents can teach their children empathy and develop kindness, which are essential qualities for sharing and cooperation in school and in life.

Evaluate and Adjust Strategies

To effectively promote sharing behaviors among children, it is crucial for educators and parents to continuously assess and modify their existing strategies.

One way to do this is by regularly assessing the progress of the children in terms of their sharing habits. This can be done through observation, feedback from other students, and regular communication with parents. By doing so, educators and parents can identify the areas where the children are struggling with sharing and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Another way to modify approaches to teaching sharing is by considering the individual needs of each child. Children have different personalities, learning styles, and backgrounds, which may affect their willingness to share.

Educators and parents can modify their approaches by tailoring their strategies to the needs of each child. For example, some children may respond better to positive reinforcement, while others may need more structure and guidance. By understanding the unique needs of each child, educators and parents can create a more effective and personalized approach to teaching sharing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can parents reinforce sharing skills at home?

Parents can reinforce sharing skills at home by role modeling positive behavior, such as sharing toys and resources with others.

Additionally, positive reinforcement can be used to acknowledge instances of sharing and encourage its continuation.

Encouraging empathy and practicing turn-taking can also be effective in reinforcing sharing skills.

This can be achieved by encouraging children to put themselves in others’ shoes and consider their feelings, as well as taking turns during activities and games.

By incorporating these strategies, parents can help their children develop important social skills and enhance their ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with others.

How can teaching sharing skills benefit a child’s social development?

Teaching sharing skills to children can have numerous benefits for their social development.

Sharing teaches children to empathize with others and consider their needs and feelings. It also helps them develop emotional intelligence by learning to regulate their own emotions and understand those of others.

When children share with others, they are more likely to build positive relationships and develop a sense of community. This can lead to increased self-esteem and confidence, as well as a greater sense of belonging.

Overall, the benefits of sharing extend beyond the act itself, impacting a child’s emotional intelligence and social development.

How can educators handle situations where a child refuses to share?

When a child refuses to share, educators can use strategies for compromise and understanding individual needs to address the situation.

Compromise strategies involve finding a middle ground where both parties can be satisfied. For example, the educator can encourage the child to take turns with the toy or game, offering a timer to ensure equal time for each child.

Understanding individual needs involves recognizing that some children may have difficulty sharing due to a variety of reasons such as insecurity or possessiveness. In such cases, the educator can work with the child to find alternative solutions that meet their needs while still fostering a sense of cooperation and community in the classroom.

By using these strategies, educators can help children develop the social skills necessary for successful interactions with peers.

How can group activities be adapted for children with social anxiety?

For children with social anxiety, group activities can be intimidating and overwhelming.

Role playing exercises can be a helpful tool for educators and parents to assist children in becoming more comfortable in group settings. These exercises can simulate social situations and allow the child to practice interacting with others in a safe and controlled environment.

Positive reinforcement techniques, such as providing praise and rewards for participation and progress, can also be effective in building confidence and reducing anxiety.

It is important for educators and parents to create a supportive and non-judgmental environment to encourage children with social anxiety to participate in group activities and develop social skills.

How can parents and educators work together to ensure consistency in teaching sharing skills?

Collaborative approaches between parents and educators are essential for ensuring consistency in teaching sharing skills to children. Effective communication strategies should be employed to ensure that the same message is being conveyed both at home and in the classroom.

Parents and educators can work together by discussing the importance of sharing and the specific behaviors that should be encouraged. For example, parents can reinforce sharing at home by praising their child when they share with siblings or friends. Educators can also praise children for sharing in the classroom and provide opportunities for children to practice sharing with their peers.

By working together and using consistent language and strategies, parents and educators can support children in developing their sharing skills and creating a positive social environment both at home and in school.


Effective teaching of sharing skills in school requires educators and parents to work together in fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.

Sharing skills are essential in developing social, emotional, and cognitive skills in children. By understanding the importance of sharing, educators can create a classroom environment that promotes kindness, empathy, and cooperation.

Group activities and open communication also provide opportunities for children to learn sharing skills.

Clear expectations and consequences for not sharing should be established, and parents should be involved in reinforcing sharing skills at home.

It is also essential to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies regularly and adjust them accordingly.

Teaching children to share is not a one-time event; it is a continuous process that requires patience, persistence, and collaboration.

With the right guidance and support, children can learn to share and develop healthy social skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

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Vivian Perry

Vivian Perry

Mother of 3 kids. Enjoy reading parenting books and studied child care degree. Vivian loves to learn and write about parenting tips and help her kids to grow positively with grit mindset.
