21 Educational Toys for 2 Years Old Boy

What's Covered

Aside from considering our child’s age, gender, behavior, habits, and temperament, there is also one important thing that must be considered on buying them a toy. It is “the effects in the learning and growth development of our child”. Generally, a toy is an object that a child can play with. But as a parent, we also want them to learn and develop their skills at an early age while playing and having fun. That is how educational toy plays a very important role in our child’s early learning and development.

Developmental Milestone of a 2 Years Old Child

We can see a lot of changes in our children as they grow. Infants learn to crawl, sit, able to pronounce some words, taking their first step, and more. It is called developmental milestones. These are the skills or things that a child can do at a certain age. Educational toys can help our children with their developmental milestones. It is very important to know what are the skills or things that our child can do at their age to prevent developmental delay and to know where aspects do our children needs improvement.

Physical Development

Gross Motor

  • Walk, run and jump
  • Throw, kick and catch a ball
  • Can balance on one foot
  • Starting to climb furniture
  • Walk up and down stairs while holding the railings
  • Push, pull or carry toys

Playing with toys that allow them to exercise can improve a child’s gross motor skills. It includes movements that require the participation of the whole body and large muscles. It helps our child in gaining physical strength they may need for more complex skills in the future. Jumping with feet together, throwing, running, walking, lifting, kicking are some gross motor skills that a 2-year-old boy can do.  Gross motor skills develop rapidly during the toddler years. Complex gross motor patterns develop, while balance and coordination improve.[1]

Fine Motor

  • Hold utensils, pencil, or crayons with their finger
  • Often use one hand for some activities
  • Can brush teeth on their own
  • Can turn on the faucet and wash hands
  • Can pull pants up and down
  • Can draw diagonal lines
  • Can cut straight lines with scissors

A child’s fine motor skills allow them to openly express themselves without being judged by creating new ideas, thinking about things differently, and make new things with their thoughts and experiences. It may come from drawing, storytelling, dancing, and many other toys and plays. It means that they are likely to experience life very full, and so it is important that they are helped from an early age to be courageous learners, with a sense of adventure, able to take risks, to dare to make mistakes, and have a go, try alternatives, to rearrange what they know or try out new ways of working.[2]

Social and Emotional Development

  • Imitation and pretend play
  • Plays with friend or group of friends
  • Sharing toys with others
  • Do some things without your help
  • When things don’t go on their way, they got frustrated, cry or shout
  • Can say how they feel like “aww’” if they got hurt
  • Feeling proud of what they can do
  • Starting to develop self-esteem

The sharing characteristics of cooperative activities include cooperative partners responding to each other’s actions and intentions, modifying one’s behavior according to the partner’s actions, acknowledging one’s own and others’ goals as well as the joint goals, recognizing the obligations of the partner and providing support if needed, and simultaneously. conceptualizing both their own roles and perspectives along with those of others.[3] Participating in cooperative play allows your child to play with others. It needs a child’s cooperation and collaboration. It can be a great help for getting well along with others and making friends. This skill may be acquired by interacting with others such as friends or family. Lots of toys can help our child to develop social and emotional development.

Language Development

  • Can speak 2 to 3-wors phrases or sentences
  • Understand the words for familiar people, objects, and body parts
  • Repeat words that they hear
  • Can speak emotional words like “wow”, “aww”, etc.

A 2-year-old child typically speaks two to three-word sentences or phrases. Many kinds of educational toys can help a child practice their language development. A parent must choose toys that can help their child’s vocabulary, combining words, increase attention and memory, learn shapes, sizes, and color, etc. Some children aging 3 and up are having trouble with language development or language delay. It is very important to help your child practice their language at an early age.

Cognitive Development

  • Remember and talk about things that happened in the past
  • Can identify similar objects
  • Name objects in a picture
  • Sort objects by size, color, kind, shape
  • Plays more complex games
  • Recognize numbers

A skill that makes our toddlers create, assemble, disassemble, sort, mold, or shape something new by playing. Structured-construction play material. Playing building block, Lego, and puzzle with children helps and encourages them to explore learning. In the security attachment, it will inspire children to develop positive attitudes.[4]

When a parent knows what their child’s developmental milestones should be, they can determine where their child needs more progress. What activities and things they should provide to their child to prevent developmental delay. They can even pick the right educational toy based on their child’s developmental milestone. Here is a list of 21 educational toys that can help you a lot with your 2-year-old boy’s developmental milestones.

21 Educational Toys for your 2-Year-Old Son That Can Be Bought From Store Or Can Be Made At Home

1. Rolimate Educational Toy Toddler Toy

Educational Objective(s) – fine motor skill, imagination, shape sorter, counting, and color recognition

This toy has various shapes and colors that effectively improve your child’s creativity, imagination, color and shape recognition, and exercises your child’s hand-eye coordination ability and space concept.

Rolimate Wooden Puzzle Shape Sorter
A great time engagement toy that helps you not worry with your child’s  fine motor skills, cognitive skills and socio-emotional skills  development.

2. HahaGift Cute Dinosaur Stacking Toys

Educational Objective(s) – concentration, thinking skills, logic, hands-on skills, emotional and pressure control, balancing, color recognition

A color matching game to develop children’s imagination, practice their patience, train thinking and concentration, hands-on skills, and also improve their pressure and emotional control through playing this puzzle game.

HahaGift Cute Dinosaur
If your child needs development with fine motor and cognitive skills, you should buy him this toy. You might not need to bring your child to specialists for lacking some developmental milestone with this teaching dino

3. VTech Touch & Teach Word Book

Educational Objective(s) – fine motor skills, vocabulary, and language skills

It features touch-sensitive and incredibly detailed pages that help your child to learn up to 100 words. A great toy for early education with four different modes to play including “letter fun”, “what’s that word”, “find it”, and “music time”. Helps improve your child’s vocabulary with the introduction of ABCs and new words.

VTech Touch & Teach Word Book
Are you a parent that does not have enough time to teach your child alphabets? This educational toy will be the best alternative for your child’s learning with the alphabet. This helps expand your child's vocabulary by introducing them to the alphabet and help them learn to read.

4. Cossy Kids Magnet Toys Magnetic Tiles

Educational Objective(s)
– geometrical shapes, color recognition, counting numbers, magnetic polarities, imagination, architectural design, problem-solving, manipulative ability, creativity, social, and motor skills

A colorful, magnetic tiles that train your child in recognizing different colors and distinguish different shapes with the geometrically designed blocks. These building blocks help improve your child’s creativity and imagination by constructing. Also practice your child’s manipulative, problem-solving ability, and motor skills upon playing process. Playing these magnetic building blocks with friends and family boosts your child’s social and emotional development.

5. My ABC Talking Friend

Educational Objective(s) – word associations, recognition of numbers, alphabet, objects, animals, word associations

With its colorful images and cheerful sounds, your child can learn letter and their pronunciation, animals as well as objects. Train their hand-eye coordination and memorize children’s songs. It also includes interactive quizzes that help your kids in identifying numbers and the alphabet.

My ABC Talking Friend
Having a hard time in boosting your little learner in recognizing the alphabet, numbers, and word associations? Buying this toy will save you time, energy, and money. You might not have to pay for your kid’s tutorial lessons for early learning.

6. iPlay, iLearn Kids Bowling Toys Set

Educational Objective(s) – recognizing colors, gross motor skill, hand-eye coordination, social and emotional skills, creativity

Continue fun learning experience while playing these colorful numbered bowling sets. An educational toy that will also help your child with gross motor skill and hand-eye coordination by targeting the colorful pins with a ball and knock it all down.

iPlay, iLearn Kids Bowling Toys Set
Create a great bond with your child while playing with this toy. Help them learn numbers and colors through playing. Boost their gross motor skill while enjoying the game, surely a helpful way of learning through playing.

7. Boon Building Bath Toy

Educational Objective(s) – Tangible and manipulative objects are often used in teaching, especially for small children. Physical objects and toys attract children’s attention, motivate exploration and are associated with play, free time and imagination. Children learn easily through interaction with objects as they are actively involved in the manipulation.[5]

A fun way of taking a bath for your child. These colorful toy pipes, cogs, and tubes can be used for creative fun playing in different ways. The toy cogs will surely add excitement to your child when bathing time. Let them manipulate the flow of the water through these colorful toys.

Boon Building Bath Toy
Is taking a bath a bit boring for your child? You might need help form this toy. Engineered for bath time fun. Help your little builder get creative in the tub with Boon Bath toys.

8. Hopscotch Ring Game

Educational Objective(s) – color recognition, numbers, letters, shapes, gross motor skills

Hopscotch is a play, learn and exercise activity. It helps your child with gross motor skills such as body control, body rhythm, body strength, balance, eye-hand coordination, and more. Make sure that the space between the shapes is accurate for your child’s age so it will not be difficult for them to jump over the shapes.

9. TOP BRIGHT Toddler Toys

Educational Objective(s) – fine motor skill, hand-eye coordination, logical thinking

As our kids grow, they are becoming more capable, determined, curious, and imaginative, so playing starts to get more exciting. At age 2, this will be the perfect time to start with their fine motor skills development. This toy will be a great introduction to practicing their hand-eye coordination, logical thinking, and fine motor skills.

TOP BRIGHT Toddler Toys
A 2-year-old child's fine motor development involved basic things. But as they grow,  they are ready to take fine motor skills to the next level. Toys like this are a great way for them to boost this development milestone and improve the fine motor skills they will need as they grow.

10. PAKESI Wooden Alphabet Puzzles

Educational Objective(s) – physical development, intellectual development, curiosity and discovery ability, color, shape, or number recognition

Designed with bright colors that more likely attract the child’s attention, improve the ability to understand the things in their surroundings, stimulate children’s imagination and visual perception ability, creativity, curiosity, imagination, and discovery ability. This toy comes in the letter and numbers concept.

11. Magnetic Drawing Board

Educational Objective(s)fine motor skills,imagination,hand-eye coordination, color perception

It is consists of a drawing board that is divided into 4 colored areas, which makes your child’s drawings colorful. This is a beneficial way to cultivate a child’s imagination and help them learn writing and painting as well as help your child to exercise hand-eye coordination, color recognition, and cooperation.

Magnetic Drawing Board
Our child mostly has a habit of drawing everywhere they want to. This Doodle Board will save you with these frustrations. You will never worry about dirty walls anymore. This would be one of the best ways for your child when it comes to establishing good habits.

12. Learnworx Flash Cards for Toddlers

Educational Objective(s)familiarize with scenes and objects, recognizing colors

This is a double-sided flashcard featuring everyday scenes and objects. Each side has different concepts of learning. It will be very easy for your kid to understand color because it has a bright-colorful design and helps aid visual development with easy to read large font and illustrations. As your child progresses from one side of the flashcard, move them onto the other side to further the improvement of their learning.

Learnworx Flash Cards for Toddlers
Each child develops at different speeds and can learn in different ways. Visual learning style is one way of learning in which information is associated with images. As parents ourselves, we enjoy seeing our children learn in a way they can easily cope with, which this flashcard is offering.

13. LeapFrog My Own Leaptop

Educational Objective(s)alphabet, pretend play, animal names, singing

Learn about the alphabet and teaches the child to spell name. Pretend to be like Mom Leapfrog and Dad Leapfrog. Fun computer role-plays such as sending and receiving emails from Scout and Violet. Learn letters and animal names. Sing along with 16 songs and melodies from this leaptop.

LeapFrog My Own Leaptop
It introduces basic computer literacy skills to your child in an entertaining and age-appropriate way. Parents can also connect to LeapFrog Learning Path online for more customized learning ideas to expand their child’s learning.

14. Temi Race Tracks

Educational Objective(s) cognitive skills, logical thinking, imagination, color perception, hand-eye coordination, manipulative ability, teamwork, problem-solving

Children need to do it themselves when guiding the toy cars through the obstacles so they can pass each challenge. Help your child to develop cognitive skills. Train child’s ability to logically thinking and improve imagination and stimulate the child’s color perception with its unique color matching concept. Develop intelligence, hand-eye coordination, and manipulative ability.

15. KKONES Aqua Magic Mat for Kids

Educational Objective(s) – math problems, reading, writing, drawing, imagination, creativity, basic shapes, letters, figures, social development

A good way to introduce toddlers to art. It provides great artistic exploration, as well as education benefits by learning basic shapes, letters and figures. A water doodling mat is a great coloring substitute, broadens the imagination of the child, and stimulates their creativity. Portable Drawing Mat is a nice size for sharing with your child’s friends.

KKONES Aqua Magic Mat for Kids
Introduce your child to art without worrying about cleaning after playing because it is water-based. It provides not only great artistic exploration, but also educational benefits by learning basic shapes, letters, and figures.

16. Wooden Toddler Puzzles by Quokka

Educational Objective(s) – shapes, colors, eye-hand coordination, fine motor, problem-solving skills, animals names and babies

This puzzle was designed by teachers and moms for educational yet time-engaging play purpose. It has colorful pictures under each jig. This is a matching game concept that allows your child to learn shapes, colors, develop eye-hand coordination, fine motor, and problem-solving skills.

. Wooden Toddler Puzzles by Quokka
Every child has a talent and parent should help them develop it. A wooden toy is a long-lasting toy that helps a child in their developmental growth. A wooden toy in that was made in cooperation with teachers to maximize the benefits in learning while playing concept of the product.

17. Melissa & Doug ABC-123 Abacus

Educational Objective(s) –  familiarizing of the letter, number and color, pattern recognition,  fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination

Illustrations and words that help in teaching letter, number, color, and pattern recognition. It has 36 double-sided; letters and numbers on the one side, and illustrated examples or words on the other.

Melissa & Doug ABC-123 Abacus
One of the early learning essential toys we can buy for our child. It encourages a child to learn and explore while playing. This abacus is designed for child’s letters and numbers recognition.

18. Little Tikes Easy Score Basketball Set

Educational Objective(s) –  social, motor skills, coordination

Playing this toy can surely develop social skills and coordination while playing with friends and family as well as motor skills, a good way to exercise their young muscles. A great way of maintaining a child’s healthy and active personality.

Little Tikes Easy Score Basketball Set
This toy makes sports easy and rewarding for your growing toddlers. It encourages them to play independently while working on balance and coordination. Playing with friends will be a great idea with this basketball set

19. Boxiki Kids Musical Instrument Set

Educational Objective(s) –  sensitivity to music and sounds, creativity, hand-eye coordination, interests, color recognition, intelligence

Introduce your mini-musician to these very colorful musical instruments that allow them in moving, grooving, and feeling the beat. These music instruments provide a wide range of beautiful sounds by using different instruments. Let them cultivate their sensitivity to music and sounds, improve their creativity, train their hand and eye coordination, and develop their interest in music.

Boxiki Kids Musical Instrument Set
As a parent, we would love to watch our child grow, learn and play. This musical instrument set will be a great companion for so many stages of their childhood. Cultivate their passion for music by introducing them to instruments and play music together.

20. Joyjoz Kids Piano Mat

Educational Objective(s) –  express themselves, brain and memory development, confidence, patience, social skill, creativity

A great children’s toy that lets your child express themselves. Exposing a child to music can help the brain and memory development, boost confidence, practice their patience, allows them to socialize and explore their creativity.

Joyjoz Kids Piano Mat
How will this kind of toy be essential for your child’s developmental milestone?  Music increases toddler’s sensory development, it can improve literacy and numeracy. Music is such a great mood lifter.

21. Mega Bloks First Builders Big Building Bag with Big Building Blocks

Educational Objective(s) creativity, hand-eye coordination, color recognition, imagination, logical thinking

A classic-colored building block including special shapes. To build, stack, and explore is the concept of these big building blocks. A perfectly sized toy for little hands. They can create whatever their imagination can dream up.

Mega Bloks
Now your creative child can build anything they imagine when they use the blocks and special shapes to create whatever else they dream up. This will support your child when they are exploring things and ideas.

Final Thought

So for the kids, it’s too much important to provide them with some educational toys that will entertain them, as well as help them through their developmental milestones. There are plenty of educational toys for toddlers available on the market. You just need to know where aspects of your child are good and which has to get improvement. In searching for the best toys, parents must not forget the importance of having these criteria: age, gender, behavior, habits, temperament, and the most important one, its educational objectives.

[1] Colson, Eve R., and Paul H. Dworkin. “Toddler development.” Pediatrics in review 18 (1997): 255-259.

[2] Bruce, Tina. Cultivating creativity: for babies, toddlers and young children. Abingdon: Hodder Education, 2011.

[3] XU, Xiaohui, Jing LI, and Liqi ZHU. “Infants and toddlers’ understanding of sharing characteristics in cooperative activities.” Advances in Psychological Science 22.9 (2014): 1404-1412.

[4] Chang, Jo-Han, and Tien-Ling Yeh. “The influence of parent-child toys and time of playing together on attachment.” Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015): 4921-4926.


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Vivian Perry

Vivian Perry

Mother of 3 kids. Enjoy reading parenting books and studied child care degree. Vivian loves to learn and write about parenting tips and help her kids to grow positively with grit mindset.
